Thursday, October 18, 2007

Always be ready!

Isaac strikes again. Isaac decided he would have a little fun at his mother's expense this week. Heather was attempting to change his diaper for the second time. I had been in charge of that department since he was born because it was hard for Heather to get up and down and I couldn't help with feeding him(my boobs do not lactate). She had removed his dirty diaper and was in the process of putting a new one on when Isaac decided he had to go the bathroom again. So he let it fly. He peed in his own face which startled him. Then he decided he would get his revenge by pooping for the next ten minutes. It was happening so fast they never had time to get another diaper on him. By the time Heather called me up to see, her and her mom were rolling with laughter and there was a pile of wipes twice as tall as Isaac. Just to prove his point he pooped one last time as I walked in the room. Since that time we both have become much more careful about having another diaper ready, just in case he decides to test us again.

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