Is it time for school already? Oh well, at least I get to study my favorite subject, The Wisconsin Badgers.

My soon to be favorite place in Madison, The Memorial Terrace. But Daddy says I have to wait 20.5 years before I get to enjoy a beer down by the water.

When you don't want to study anymore, take a break...and eat your books. As a side note, most of the food I ate in college probably didn't taste as good as my books would have tasted. Can anyone say "Ramen Noodles for 10 cents!"

Hey, whats that over there?

Its Isaac's new favorite toy. When we put him in his jumper he puts death grips on the blue straps and then
proceeds to jump
continuously from between 15 min to 1 hour. Don't think we are bad parents for leaving him in there for an hour. If we try to take him out before he is ready, he whines and pouts. Mommy says he is in training to build up calves like his daddy.
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