Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Becky and Mark Mehler's Wedding

The Wedding was at Allen Sentential Gardens in Madison WI. It was a perfect day for a outdoor wedding. The temperature was 75 with a slight breeze. Ok, maybe it was a little more than slight but the only problem it caused was a broken vase and some messy hairdos.
Mark Mehler waiting for his bride.Here comes his bride, Becky, to meet her father on the bridge.
Bride and Father walking thourgh the garden to meet up with Mark.The Beautiful Bride
Mark relieved that she finally arrived!On to the reception. Heather on her second glass of wine with our friend Jessica keeping pace. Keep in mind her tolerance isn't what it used to be.
Our friends Lee Ann and ZachCarol, maid of honor, sister to the bride, and lush.....j/k. She is holding one of these for the bride...really she is, I promise.
Heather and the Sparkle Pig. Sparkle Pig was created by Carol hand gluing two billion sequins to a piggy bank. It was used to collect money for charity. If you wanted the couple to kiss, you put a donation into the Sparkle Pig. It also became our prop for the night in pictures.
Kirk and the Sparkle Pig Heisman PoseHeather making out with the Sparkle Pig. I almost had to bust the Pig up after hitting on my wife. But since he was for charity, I gave him a second chance. "Party Heather" was definitely in effect tonight.
Sparkle Pig getting wasted! Ever seen a pig throw up? Not a pretty site. At least his puke was worth something since he was stuffed with money.Everyone in a group picture before we went home for the night. We made it until 10:15pm which is pretty good for us since Isaac has been born. We didn't want to press our luck with our friends babysitting Isaac. Thanks again Lauren and Scott.


Bec said...

What a great group picture!!! and an excellent blog I might add! You guys are a riot! Thanks so much for sharing the day with us! Yay Sparkle Pig!
Much love, Becky

Roxanne said...

Nice pics! We were there in spirit! Congratulations Mark and Becky!!
-J & R

Roxanne said...

Yay! The wedding blog post is back up. It was gone there for a while ... odd.