Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sawyer's Birthday Bash!

Isaac loves watermelon. He is not picky either, he will eat both the flesh and the rhine.

Here he is eating and driving at the same time. Luckily, no cops stopped him.

All gone? Then we get to hear his favorite word of the summer "more!"

As you can see, he has a lot of watermelon juice on his stomach. Soon to be followed by grass, dirt, and anything else that bonds to sticky toddler tummies.

The birthday boy with a bit of sun in his eyes. He looks a bit like the "old man" you see in funny greeting cards.

Grace showing off her swimsuit.

Isaac getting some sandbox time. Sand and watermelon juice is a bit like superglue once it drys. You can guess how much Isaac enjoyed getting it cleaned off later in the day.

The inflatable water slide! Man, that looks high.

This is a good height for me. Lets try this mommy.

Here we go!

The water was a bit cold. We didn't capture it in the picture but Isaac's eyes shot open the second he hit the pool of water at the bottom.

Pinata Time! Sawyer takes the first crack at it.

Logan's turn. For the older children we made it a bit harder by making it a moving target.

Evan with a solid shot.

Gracie girl's turn.

Isaac taking a massive swing at it. Ok, massive is a bit of a stretch, but he did hit it.

Some down time with Daddy.

Grace finishing off the last of her ice cream cake. Which means she was spooning up the melted ice cream. Yummy!

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