Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Early Birthday Presents

Isaac getting some practice opening gift in preparation for his upcoming 2nd birthday.
Hey, a card that plays music. Cool!
Showing Mommy his new card.
His bubble gun. You pull the trigger and it makes bubbles for you.
A good shot of Isaac's epiglottis. If memory serves, I believe he was growling and trying to eat the camera.

Heather's 30th Birthday at the Nitty Gritty

Her pretty flower cupcake.
You get a free mini sundae if you go to the Gritty on your birthday. Isaac claimed the sundae as his own.
Hmm, you seem to have a little on your nose, face, and well pretty much everywhere.
Pretty proud of himself. Either because he got to eat dessert before the meal or because he ate it with a spoon all by himself. Probably both.
Fun with static electricity.
Good family photo. Normally one of us is making a goofy face or looking the wrong direction.
Ice cream sundae #2. It was pure bribery. By giving him another sundae to occupy him we got to eat our meal in peace. Don't judge until you have a two year old that never lets you eat.
Isaac sharing with Mommy.
Hey, this is my sundae. Don't get any ideas.
Matt and Jessica with their new baby Gwen.

Entertainment provided by Isaac

Isaac has been going through a phase that when he doesn't like what your doing or trying to do to him he tells you "No thank you" and hits you lightly. We teach him to say "No thank you" but the hitting is not allowed. We are working on it but he still hits when he is really upset. One night Isaac is having dinner in his high chair. He gets some food stuck in his teeth and is trying to get it out with his fingers. He accidentally bites his own fingers as he is trying to dislodge the food. So he proceeds to say "No Thank You" really loud and smack himself in the head. Heather and I lost it. We had to turn away and laugh quietly so that we didn't encourage the hitting. It still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Schuster's Farm and Pumpkin Patch

We took Issac to his first pumpkin patch. This place was awesome. It had hayrides, pumpkins, caramel apples, hot chocolate, etc. We had a blast at this place and plan on going back every year.

The girl taking the tickets was in a chicken costume. Isaac was a little freaked out at first, and I can't say that I blame him. It was a little creepy to look at. He eventually warmed up and wanted to pet the chicken.
Don't worry, this chicken doesn't bite.
But Daddy does! Isaac apparently does not find it as funny as Daddy.
Looking for our pumpkins. Isaac picked this one for Daddy.
He tried to move it but with little luck. He went off in search of a pumpkin more his size.
How about that one?
"This my pumpkin Daddy?" It is now.
"Its dirty"
It took about 15 pictures to get him close enough to the sign to measure his height. He would immediately start walking away as soon as we put him next to the sign. Thank God for digital cameras.
A large wooden chair that Isaac kept jumping off of into my arms.
Now those are some big pumpkins. I think each one weighs twice what Isaac's weighs.
"Their bumpy, ouch"
The pumpkin cannon! Man can this thing shoot pumpkins. I would estimate that it shot them 300 plus yards.
They had a barn full of hay bales that they let you play on. This might have been the part that Isaac had the most fun. He loved jumping into the soft hay, digging in the hay, and running on the bales.
"Catch me Daddy"
Digging in the hay.
This is great!
Kicking the hay.
Throwing the hay and not getting in trouble for it.
The "cool bus."
Riding on the tractor. Isaac cried when we took him off of this. He really likes his tractors.
Driving around the farm.
Piglet racing area.
The piglets were fast. Of course they were motivated by food.
A really fancy looking chicken. It even had feathers on its feet.
Man, turkey's are ugly. Isaac was not a fan of this bird.
Goat petting zoo. Also motivated by food.
The goat ate all the food out of Isaac's hand and then proceeded to lick it clean. Good thing we brought plenty of baby wipes. Isaac's a boy and doesn't really care if his hands are clean but after the goat was done even he wanted a wipe for his hands.
I can't believe the goats can get their heads through the fence. But food is a strong motivator for these guys.
Corn cob cannon.
Heather and Isaac on a barrel ride.
Mommy and Isaac going down a very large slide.
Trying to get some popcorn out of his teeth.

Cowboy Time

Cowboy boots? Check. Horse? Check. Cowboy Hat? Check.
Getting ready to ride his horse.
Horse biting Mommy.
Horse biting Daddy.
It looks like he is posing for the camera but I just happened to catch him as he was starting to stand up.
Isaac styling mommy's hair.
That night some friends from college came into town so we decided to hit the town like we used to in our glory day. By the way, I think we made it to 1am and were all extremely proud of ourselves. Steph (Benny), Steph Charles, and Dena.
Reggie, Liz, and Erica
Drinking Bloody Mary's and Martini's at Genna's. Yum!
Whoa! Someone is excited. I think I was pumped to be up passed 1am and not cleaning the house.