Monday, July 5, 2010

Entertainment provided by Isaac #2

During this time we had started potty training. Here are two stories from the early stages of training. The first one is from one of the first times he pooped in the potty. For some reason Isaac likes to look at his poopies after he is done. So as a reward for going on the potty he gets to see his poopies and flush them down the toilet.

Isaac looking into the toilet. "That's a big poopy....My butt hurts Daddy."

The second comes from the fact that we were trying to catch him before he pooped in his diaper so if we smelled something bad we would tell Isaac to stop running around so that we could "check" him which meant looking in his diaper to see if he had done his business yet. One afternoon as I was just about to take the dog for a walk, Stanley tooted and it smelled really bad. Heather joking stated " Isaac... Daddy smells."
Isaac responds "I'm gonna check you." Which he proceeds to try to look down the back of my pants to see if I pooped them.
Isaac- "I can't see your butt daddy."

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