Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarah and David's Wedding

At the reception for Sarah's wedding.
Heather's cousin Brian and his wife Gina. Heather and Gina started the night out with a bang. They each had a glass of wine, champagne, and a mix drink at the same time. I have heard of double fisting before, but never three different drinks. Shortly after the drinks, they started talking about stealing the cake from the neighboring table.
Gary and Margo, one of the few recent picture we have that doesn't include Isaac.
The first dance. Sorry the picture isn't better. They had numerous photographers, who had spot lights on there cameras so it made it hard for my flash to work right.
Us, you can tell I have had a few drinks because my face is red.
Heather's godson Jacob. He made a pair of glasses out of glow rings.
Without the flash.
Zach with a glow ring beard.
Evan dancing with his mom.

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